Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Cotton Candy

Dyeing fleece is one of my favourite things to do. Although it can be messy at times, the end product makes it worth the while. It's always fun to play with various color combinations and as Forrest Gump would say: "'s like a box of chocolate - you never know what you gonna get". Which brings me to my latest project dying Border Leceister Fleece using nothing but Koolaid and liquid food dyes.

The liquid food dyes gave me the Blue and Green and Koolaid the Red, Orange, and Purple (Cherry, Orange, and Berries). The colors were too bold for my taste, so I decided to blend them using English Carding Combs and the Cotton Candy Color was born. Amazing, n'est-ce pas?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love the blended colour!